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January 19, 2018 2 min read
#startwithonenappy is an educational campaign to help parents who are new to cloth nappies understand the impact that just one reusable nappy can have. Through this campaign we strive to equip parents with the information and resources they need to make a gentle, manageable and highly rewarding shift to reusable alternatives.
Sometimes it just takes one nappy. One shot at cloth and they’re hooked. So… how can you be a catalyst for this change? What can you do to encourage your friends to consider or use cloth nappies? Here are 5 ideas.
Seriously, what more practical gift is there than a nappy? Especially if this is their second baby, they’re having another boy and they have EVERYTHING else… a cloth nappy is the gift that keeps on a giving.
Of course, there’s no point giving someone a gift that they don’t know how to use. We know it’s not rocket science, and maybe they’ll work it out, maybe they’ll get the fit perfect the first time, but chances are there is some little tip that you can offer that will really help improve your friend’s first experience with reusable nappies. Share it!
Now I know second hand nappies aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if your friend doesn’t mind the idea, why not loan them one of yours that you can spare for a few days? They might feel more comfortable taking the leap if they’ve tried one first.
Some folks are just a little shy when it comes to trying something new. And if you suspect this might be the case for your friend, why not accompany them to your council’s waste reduction program for a run-through all the pros and cons of using cloth?
If you live near a cloth nappy retailer, why not book them in for a workshop?
We’d love to hear from you! Have you helped a friend make the switch to cloth nappies? What was the main catalyst for the change?
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